The COP26 Nature Pilgrimage

The COP26 Nature Pilgrimage

Loss of biodiversity, loss of productivity of our lands, emergence of new disease threats, now, here in 2021 we are on a tipping point. COP26 is a focus of concerns and we hope action. Glen Cousquer is a lecturer on the MSc and MVetSci programmes in One Health and Conservation Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. This podcast expounds a passionate philosophy on how we should educate and collaborate, as well as understand and co-exist with our natural world, our home.

We talk about a Biotic and a wider connection to life. How Biophilic Design is a physical incarnation of that connection. How COP26 will see multiple generations speaking out more clearly than ever across our global village. We are seeing the emergence of a new discourse and Glen’s advocation of “Awareness Based Action Research” which he teaches, which is a fast-cycle learning through deeper listening, using humility and empathy. Glen also describes the COP26 Pilgrimage…