The Power of Sound

The Power of Sound

Julian Treasure is a leading Ted Speaker and founder of The Sound Agency. We catch up with him to talk about how sound affects us on four different levels: physiologically, psychologically, cognitively and behaviourally. He discusses dynamic biophilic soundscapes and how we can use nature in improving acoustics and how we should be using good sonic design and aural architecture to make the places we work in, learn in and heal in, better.

Vertical Gardens with Daniel Bell

Vertical Gardens with Daniel Bell

Daniel Bell is an award winning landscape garden design guru, he is also a pioneer of successful eco sustainable vertical gardens. We catch up with him to find out what he plants, why he uses the system he does and how it works. He gives us a demo in the video as well, which is really well worth watching. He was inspired by French botanist, Patrick Blanc, and went on to champion this incredibly low-tech vertical garden solution…

Biophilic Design in the Ancient World

Biophilic Design in the Ancient World

Yes, you read that correctly! Over 2000 years ago the Romans were designing homes with outdoor spaces and were also creating virtual nature walls. They had ambitions to create healthier cleaner air, wanted improved scents and less noise pollution specifically to improve health and wellbeing. I speak with Dr Patty Baker, about her research on identifying the connection between Roman conceptions of “pure air” and physical and mental health in Pompeiian gardens, and especially on the mutli-sensory approach the Romans took to ancient medicine…

Planted Cities

Planted Cities

There’s an awesome event coming up in London which you should attend if you can. Planted Cities. It is going to be held in one of London’s greatest regeneration success stories and is run by Deborah Spencer who set up Design Junction, one of the biggest design shows in Europe for the last decade and Sam Peters, former Sunday Times journalist. We speak with Sam, to find out more about it. Planted is all about reconnecting people…

Wild Urban Spaces - Bringing the Miyawaki Method to Cities

Wild Urban Spaces - Bringing the Miyawaki Method to Cities

Rapid Growth Urban Forest Creation... to me it seems like a dream concept, being able to rewild urban environments quickly to help the environment, bring biodiversity, create wildlife corridors, rooftop forests, school bee forests, support community and individual health and wellbeing and more... The Miyawaki Method of rapid forestation is based on observing and mimicking nature. These forests are maintenance free in 3 years. This is a fascinating conversation with James Godfrey-Faussett, founder of Wild Urban Spaces, practitioner and advocate of the Miyawaki Method, where you will learn how James and his team densely plant indigenous trees at a mix of canopy heights, which kinds of trees, where you can go an see and experience one…