Fascinating and positive conversation with Glen Cousquer, covering biology, philosophy and the concept of the self, we talk conservation medicine, experiential education including getting outdoors, and exploring the concept of listening not only for human relationships but also listening to the living world around us. He is a qualified Vet, but after realising how there were underlying issues affecting different eco systems he moved away from the traditional veterinary model into developing a more holistic approach to health and welfare concerns.
He describes how community led responses to climate change are empowering people to make changes, how by cultivating reciprocity and a willingness to “listen” we can feel deeply connected to ourselves and those around us, to help us define ourselves in relation to our environment.
In an ideal world we would see the connection to the natural world being normalised, and by that he means it should be acceptable to go for a walk for a meeting, healthcare should have views of nature, urban planning should have forests, schools should have outdoor activity. We should be creating a wellbeing economy, creating a better place for family, community, work, everything.
All images here copyright Glen Cousquer
To connect with Glen Cousquer see: https://www.ed.ac.uk/vet/conservation-science/conservation-medicine/people/glen-cousquer or his photography portfolio page.
His new book which we’ll be discussing in another upcoming podcast, you can buy here: https://www.world-adventure-guides.com/pilgrimage
Glen is also a member of www.photoaid.org.uk - the philanthropic photography agency our own director and editor of the Journal of Biophilic Design, Vanessa Champion, founded.
Other articles by Glen:
From Wounds to wisdom and the power of reframing
Embedding systems-thinking and sustainability in transdisciplinary teaching and learning.
Credits: with thanks to George Harvey Audio Production for the calming biophilic soundscape that backs all our podcasts.
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